Collection: BUBBLES // Standing On The Shoulders Of Kitties

Katzman Art Projects is thrilled to announce the premiere solo exhibition from Nova Scotia native, globally recognized comedy icon BUBBLES of the TRAILER PARK BOYS. 

Standing On the Shoulders Of Kitties celebrates Bubbles' life journey through exploring his creative vision in paint. Reflections of songs from his forthcoming record are visually realized, portraits of the many kitties that have appeared in the series over the years immortalized, and epic paintings representing the life and journey of the glasses clad hero are included in the exhibition. There will also be limited edition prints available for pre-order.

This exhibition is in conjunction with his forthcoming movie of the same name and music album called LONGHAULER.

“I’ve always fucked around with painting a little bit here and there, even if I was putting a fresh coat on the shed I would find myself painting a kitty’s face or a bologna log or whatever just for fun. But almost 2 years ago now, when I was recording the songs for my upcoming Bubbles And The Shitrockers record called LONGHAULER down in Nashville, someone in the studio there said “you know, some of these songs sound like paintings to me!” At the time I assumed they were on mushrooms or whatever, but as I thought about it more it kinda started to make sense to me because when I was writing everything for the album, I could actually ‘see’ things in my head. 

Then earlier this year The Shitrockers were on tour in Europe filming a new movie called Standing On The Shoulders Of Kitties that’s coming out in December. We filmed at Abbey Road Studio 2 in London, and the night we finished I got to go to Ronnie Wood from the Rolling Stones’ house! He’s an unbelievable painter and when I was looking at all his art, I started thinking back to what that potentially-very-high person in Nashville had said. So I decided that night in Ronnie Wood’s art studio that I was gonna try to paint some of my songs! And some kitties of course!

So after I got back to my shed, I got a few pointers from a local artist, and I watched about 9 million hours of You Tube videos on everybody from Maude Lewis painting in her awesome little shed house, to Picasso with his weird shaped heads to Bob Ross and his nature bullshit to that guy with the twirly moustache who painted the melting clocks, I can’t think of his name right now.  I couldn’t really decide what kind of shit I was best suited to paint so I said fuck it, I’ll steal shit from every one of them! And that’s where the art for the ‘Standing On The Shoulders Of Kitties’ art show came from and I am very excited to give people the chance to own some one of a kind original paintings!"

-- Bubbles

Portions of the proceeds of this exhibition will support the Bide Awhile cat shelter in Dartmouth, as well as the art community in Atlantic Canada. 

Prints available here: